Investor Services
With regard to investor services, our core strategy involves relative trend analysis™ (RTA), our unique and innovative version of already proven trend-following techniques.
RTA tracks price performance over time using exponential moving averages of percentage price changes. By using percent changes rather than currency values, all investments in a particular class are placed on a level playing field... so the numbers reported allow the investor to see all performance figures relative to one another.
Another advantage of RTA is that it is possible to track a huge number of potential or actual investments without the misleading and cumbersome aspects of charts. Every equity or index or currency (or whatever) is represented by two numbers... trend and consistency.
Trend is an indication of the current average price change per week. Consistency tells us the extent to which weekly price moves are heading in the same direction. Put another way, consistency helps identify those situations where a strong trend is also low in volatility.
For more information, follow our link to The Profitrend Advantage. That site provides an educational overview of relative trend analysis™. It also serves as a preview of our members-only site, The ProfiTrend Advantage 2.0. (We don't provide a link here, since it is password protected for those who have taken out an annual membership at a modest $149.95 for 52 weeks of continuous service.
So visit The Profitrend Advantage to see if our paid services are right for you. You'll find various free services there, including our weekly newsletter synopsis, a news feed, a microblog of timely investment information, and various other features.