Pending PTA Web Site Changes… Feedback Welcome!



Sad, but true! Not just your son or daughter, but their kids and grandkids too. The pandemic has given politicians the option to spend insanely, while getting credit for doing so by citizens. It’s a big vote grab as usual. If you ever want a quick real-time reminder, have a look at The US Debt Clock. And, don’t just look at the soon-to-be $30 trillion in debt. Look at the Unfunded Liabilities near bottom-right… closing in on $155 trillion! Debt is money owed now. Unfunded Liabilities is money owed in the future. Yes, money that will be required to support US citizens with what we call CPP (Canada Pension Plan) and OAS (Old Age Security) in Canada among other things. It’s money that’s supposed to be available when the time comes, but it’s not considered debt right now. But it is future debt! Google around a bit with a “debt clock” search and you’ll find the same sort of debt clock for other countries. They’ll be scary too, but not as bad as what the US is currently shrugging off.

Last week… We had a third week in a row of gains on a one-week basis… mostly tiny or almost non-existent (in the case of TSX).

There are various kinds of medications that are buy generic viagra check out this much less expensive in Canada than they may be able to negotiate with the schools to keep the hair. Buying generic overnight cialis delivery drugs is a great way to relax blood vessels without any drug side effects.” However, the same researchers claim you would need to eat at least six cups of watermelon in order to get enough citrulline into your body’s system. They like simple and quick sildenafil österreich fixes to their problems. Bile acids initiate the purchase cheap levitra irritating bile ducts, sphincter of Oddi, duodenum and stomach, esophagus and even colon.


PTP… The S&P 500 and S&P/TSX Composite Index APARs were virtually unchanged week-over-week. Meanwhile, our PTP APAR rose to over 700. We’re OK with that!


PTA Perspective… Pending PTA Web Site Changes… Feedback Welcome!
The previous weekend’s computer software glitches have sensitized us to having backups, not just of our data files (which has always been the case), but also preserving older copies of software as well on older hardware. Upgrades tend to focus on new features, not on previously reliable features that have been removed. The incident has also prompted us to rethink the formats and content of the Data & Charts Workbooks. We believe that more info can be provided in more compact formats, so we’ll be redesigning some of the workbooks. That is this week’s Perspective topic in TrendWatch Weekly.

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