Well… we finally got some volatility last week, but not in a good way! The markets shrugged off Kim Jong-Un’s anti-US rhetoric earlier in the week, but took notice when the orange menace threaten nuclear annihilation. Stocks took a plunge, and VIX spiked as high as 16.3 on Friday. It didn’t help when Trump failed to criticize a significant part of his voter base (the KKK and neo-Nazis) in the Charlottesville incident. As I finish this edition of TrendWatch Weekly on Monday, it appears that sanity has prevailed (for now) and the markets are rebounding. VIX is back down to 12.4.
PTP… Our ProfiTrend Portfolio APAR (annualized price appreciation rate) fell to 15%, while both the the S&P 500 APAR, and the S&P/TSX Composite Index APAR turned negative.
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Last Week in the Major Indexes… All of the major North American indexes that we track fell last week… from -0.4% (Venture Exchange) to -2.7% (Russell 2000). The “major majors” all fell -1.1% to -1.6%. Even the S&P 1200 Global Index was off -1.6%.
Last Week in the Sectors… Just one sector (Utilities) still has a positive trend value among both S&P 500 and S&P/TSX Composite Index stocks.
PTA Perspective… Market Trends over Time
This week we take a closer look at our “trends of trends” charts that we update every weekend in the S&P 500 and S&P/TSX Composite Index Data & Charts Workbooks in the member web site. While the contents of those charts are basically self-evident, there are patterns in the charts that you might be overlooking. You will also look at the charts differently if you want to know the odds that it’s good to be invested in stocks (vs cash) or looking to see how fast you can expect to make money short-term.