ETF Update – Spring 2018




Perhaps we’re dwelling too much on the trade war issue, but if that matter escalates, stocks will plunge across the board… especially US equities. Posturing about “strategic air strikes” on Syria is almost irrelevant, since Trump and Obama and probably Bush before him have been bombing Syrian civilians continuously for many years with pilotless drones. It’s not news that affects markets anymore. Neither is Trump’s “mission accomplished” tweet. But, as per the cartoon, Trump is bringing the trade war into the US with his latest attacks on Amazon and other major American corporations. It’s ironic that he thinks that he can handicap US corporations dependent on international trade and “make them great again” at the same time.

Day by Day… Here’s how last week played out on a daily basis. 2% over the week on US stocks isn’t bad. The S&P/TSX Composite Index finished slightly higher.

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PTP… The S&P 500 APAR remained negative after last week’s trading, but the S&P/TSX Composite Index counterpart flipped positive from -4% a week earlier.. The PTP score had another boost, in spite of the fact that we were down to only two holdings in the PTP. We added two more Friday afternoon, but there wasn’t time for them to have much of an impact on our 207%… double last week’s reading.


PTA Perspective… ETF Update – Spring 2018
While we favour individual stocks over ETFs, we know that we have members/subscribers who want to know how to use them for maximum advantage. So, like this week, we have occasional updates to talk about the latest ETF news, opinions and strategies. We even propose a hybrid strategy of trading both individual stocks and ETFs.