Putting Bulls & Bears in Perspective!



If you don’t know anything about Dark Pools, this cartoon sums it up well. Large institutional investors have trouble buying or dumping huge numbers of shares (say a million shares of a $100 stock) on regular stock exchanges because they move the markets with their trades… usually away from their desired price. So Dark Pools hook them up (outside the exchanges) with other (anonymous) institutional investors, who might want to take the other side of the trade. It works. It’s legal. And it’s SEC regulated. It’s just that the rest of us don’t hear about those trades. It’s a great way for the big money to get out of stocks ahead of a predicted (or manipulated???) major market decline or buy them ahead of a major advance.

Last week… More devastation on top of last week’s devastation. No one has seen one-week changes of this size in ages.


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PTP… Now, this one, you’re probably not going to believe! While the benchmark APARs declined about another -100%, our PTP APAR has set a new record… with just three stocks, and two of them losers. One stock with over a 200% gain in two weeks can do that for your portfolio when you annualize out the results.

If we sold that one, taking huge profits, our APAR would be much lower… maybe even negative. Such is the nature of tracking stocks by our “speed of profit” approach.


PTA Perspective… Putting Bulls & Bears in Perspective!
This latest bear market probably hit many investors way faster they they could have possibly imagined. If you’ve only been investing for the past decade or less, you’ve never experienced a bear market. This time in TrendWatch Weekly, we include both a refresher of the terminology and a history of bull and bear markets. The goal is to put this new bear in perspective… the “relative” in relative trend analysis™ (RTA).