Another Green Gold Rush for Cannabis Stocks?



A couple weeks back I introduced you to a highly reliable predictor of the outcome of US elections. It’s been 87% accurate going back to 1928. And, it’s based simply on the performance of the S&P 500 during the three months leading up to election day. Well, I’m pleased to say that it was wrong this time! It was not in the cards for Trump to win; and if he’s planning to sue everyone who voted for Biden, I hope the US taxpayers aren’t going to be paying his legal bills!

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PTP… The APARs for both S&P/TSX Composite Index and S&P 500 each more than doubled over past week. Our PTP, sadly, went the opposite direction. We gave you a heads-up about this possibility in our last edition. When you’re rebuilding a portfolio practically from nothing, very small price changes can produce very large annualized changes… large losses in fact if those small changes are negative. More details of course in the expanded version of this week’s TrendWatch Weekly.wpid-bar_speedo_201113s-2020-11-15-13-50.png
PTA Perspective… Another Green Gold Rush for Cannabis Stocks?
We’ll take a look at another of our thematic sectors — cannabis stocks — this week. Members already have access to regular weekly updates, but the cannabis group has been down so long, that you may not have noticed the uptick that has happened over the past two weeks. We’ll point out the key changes that we’ve observed and what they might mean going forward. HINT: With five more US states having legalized in one form or another in the latest election, the legal market size keeps growing.