Dead Bull Bounce?



Three up days last week actually, but those who have never seen a rapid-onset bear market before should know that the Dead Cat Bounce (Bull Bounce in this cartoon) should never be considered a V-bottom. V-bottoms (rapid recovery from a crash to a new bull market) almost never happen… for major market indexes, or even individual stocks. In the worst case, in the Crash of 1929, bull-hold investors lost 86% of the value of their holdings over just less than three years. Even the shortest bear, the Crash of ’87, saw most of the damage in a single day, but bull market conditions didn’t return for three months. The notion that this crash is over because of a substantial three-day rally like last week’s is absurd. We haven’t even seen the beginning of the global market collapse!

Last week… Dead Cat Bounces are inevitable, and last week was no exception. The gains didn’t offset the previous week’s losses, but may have given some investors a better price point to get out.
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PTP… The gain (reduced loss) in the benchmark APARs wasn’t as much as the media hype would have led you to believe last week. And, we did warn you that the 1380% APAR we had for the PTP last week was an anomaly due entirely to one of our tiny portfolio of holdings jumping 200% in two weeks. 116% is still comfortably above the S&P 500 and S&P/TSX Composite Index APARs. If we go to zero stocks this week (quite possible), we’ll have nothing to compare with the benchmarks.


PTA Perspective… Dead Bull Bounce?
Our Perspective coverage is light this week as we start to get the first quarter 2020 numbers together for the next couple TrendWatch Weekly editions. We talk a bit more about current market conditions (dire!), and that sitting on cash and relaxing with TV news turned off can sometimes be a very effective thing to do! Instead of sweating over the virus, if you’re isolating at home, start evaluating or updating your investment strategy! What better time for that! Don’t go rushing out buying in tumultuous markets. Just assess the success rate of your investment tactics so far and think about how they might be improved. Do some backtesting! Read what some of the greatest investors have historically done!

Putting Bulls & Bears in Perspective!



If you don’t know anything about Dark Pools, this cartoon sums it up well. Large institutional investors have trouble buying or dumping huge numbers of shares (say a million shares of a $100 stock) on regular stock exchanges because they move the markets with their trades… usually away from their desired price. So Dark Pools hook them up (outside the exchanges) with other (anonymous) institutional investors, who might want to take the other side of the trade. It works. It’s legal. And it’s SEC regulated. It’s just that the rest of us don’t hear about those trades. It’s a great way for the big money to get out of stocks ahead of a predicted (or manipulated???) major market decline or buy them ahead of a major advance.

Last week… More devastation on top of last week’s devastation. No one has seen one-week changes of this size in ages.


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PTP… Now, this one, you’re probably not going to believe! While the benchmark APARs declined about another -100%, our PTP APAR has set a new record… with just three stocks, and two of them losers. One stock with over a 200% gain in two weeks can do that for your portfolio when you annualize out the results.

If we sold that one, taking huge profits, our APAR would be much lower… maybe even negative. Such is the nature of tracking stocks by our “speed of profit” approach.


PTA Perspective… Putting Bulls & Bears in Perspective!
This latest bear market probably hit many investors way faster they they could have possibly imagined. If you’ve only been investing for the past decade or less, you’ve never experienced a bear market. This time in TrendWatch Weekly, we include both a refresher of the terminology and a history of bull and bear markets. The goal is to put this new bear in perspective… the “relative” in relative trend analysis™ (RTA).

Ides of March Edition!



Happy Ides of March (March 15)! Did you get out and stab someone today? Perhaps your financial advisor? Your full-service stock broker?

Last week… After just one week of calm, we were back into carnage again last week. When you know that -20% is normally a prolonged fall into a bear market, -10% to -15% in one week is pretty scary!
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PTP… With the benchmark APARs, the decline doubled for the S&P 500 week over week and dropped almost 4X for the S&P/TSX Composite Index. Meanwhile we’ve managed to keep the PTP APAR at +463% in spite of (or because of) selling our losers.


Looking at the negative numbers, you have to realize that these rates of decline can’t be sustainable. After all you can’t lose more than all your money… which is what is implied here by how fast the major indexes are dropping. The open question is, when does the damage slow down and reverse?

An Oily Correction!



Are you feeling that you should have ejected from the markets sooner. You’re probably not alone with that thought. Global events, whether factual or manufactured by the media, can sometimes create more turmoil than a lot of people can tolerate. If you’re not willing to try riskier solutions, it’s best to eject and sit on cash until the dust settles.

Last week… In our previous report we had to extend our value axis to -15% to accommodate -8.9% and -11.5% one-week losses for the S&P/TSX Composite Index and S&P 500 respectively. Last week was very tame by comparison. two half percentage point moves on opposite directions by the S&P/TSX Composite Index and S&P 500.
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PTP… With the benchmark APARs, it’s only vaguely useful to say that there was an improvement in both the S&P/TSX Composite Index APAR and its S&P 500 counterpart. But both were less negative than the previous week by Friday’s close. Our PTP APAR, meanwhile, cracked 500% following a score of 355% last time. Same story… cut the losers and let the profitable holdings run. We even bought two new positions last week.


PTA Perspective… An Oily Correction!
Last time we tried to put the big losses of the previous week in perspective, and point to areas that might be profitable in turmoil. We expand that discussion in this week’s edition of TrendWatch Weekly. The latest disruptor… the emergence of an OPEC/Russia crude oil price war over the weekend! We wrote this section after the market close on Monday, March 9, so we’re well aware of the 2000 point drop in the Dow Jones Industrial Average, and all that went with that today. Hopefully, this will help you prepare for the rest of the week. We also compare today’s plunge with the worst one-day crash in the history of the stock market… Monday, October 19, 1987!

Taking Stock of a Hellish Week!



Well, the media finally managed to create enough unsubstantiated hysteria about COVID-19 to scare many investors out of the stock markets last week. Commodities markets too. Market manipulation should be a criminal offence, and yet how many executives from TV news channels and business newspapers have been charged and put on trial so far? (Yes, that’s a rhetorical question!)

Last week… The one-week results are the worst we’ve seen in many years. A 10% decline for a year would be bad, let alone one week.
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PTP… The benchmark APARs turned drastically negative as you can see. Meanwhile, our PTP APAR held its ground, although down 75 points from last week’s reading. We sold numerous positions on sell signals throughout the week.


PTA Perspective… Taking Stock of a Hellish Week!
Last week’s equities meltdown was certainly not fun to watch. Devastation across the board. But were there any bright spots out there? We did some research to find out, and bring you the results in this week’s edition of TrendWatch Weekly.