Quarterly Review – Q1 2015 – Part 1: North America


The markets declined sharply last week, with one highly unusual exception. The S&P/TSX Venture Index climbed +1.6% over the week, while the three major US indexes were down more than 2%.

ProfiTrend Portfolio… The annualized growth rate for the ProfiTrend Portfolio dropped to +51%, but that is still well above the benchmarks which have turned negative.

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Seasonality… We’ve expanded our coverage of April’s calendar effects to include the “18 Day Earnings Month Effect”. April produces the highest returns of the four opportunities each year. We haven’t covered this before, and hope that you find it interesting.

Smart Money… In what appears to be the largest one month gain in the history if the SSICI, institutional investors (the so-called “smart money”) became more bullish on equities during March. The Global ICI increased to 120.1, up 15.1 points from February’s revised reading of 105.0. Confidence among North American investors increased the most, with the North American ICI rising 30.0 points to 135.4, up from February’s revised reading of 105.4. However, the European ICI fell by 1.6 points to 104.4 while the Asia ICI fell 4.0 points to 90.3.

Topic of the Week… Quarterly Review – Q1 2015
With the first quarter of 2015 behind us, let’s review our progress over the first three months and have a close look at the current outlook going into Q2.